Grow Creeping Fig Indoors

Creeping fig plants are often seen as decorative plants because of their unique and exotic appearance. The creeping fig is the only species in the genus Ficus that grows without any need for climbing or aerial roots. Creeping figs are great houseplants that can grow on soil, rocks, brick walls, or even other plants.

In this article, I will cover the best care practices for your creeping fig houseplant. The goal is to help you take better care of your plant, therefore having it live for as long as possible.

Let’s dive deep into this topic. 

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What creeping fig is

Creeping figs are also called “strangler figs” because they wrap themselves around trees to create a living canopy over time. Mature trees will eventually die if they’re covered by creepers long enough. Creepers rely on moist soil and high humidity to thrive indoors so make sure you keep your plant watered regularly. You’ll want to use potting soil filled with organic compost when planting your indoor creeping fig to provide it with the nutrients it needs.

How do I care for my creeping fig plant?

There are a few important things you need to keep in mind when caring for your indoor growing creeper plant. Let’s take a look at some of these.

No direct sunlight is required, however poor lighting can harm the plant, so make sure it gets bright indirect lighting every day.Make sure you water your plant regularly. Remember to use potting soil filled with organic compost when planting your indoor creeping fig plant.The temperature should be kept between 70-75 degrees F (20-23 degrees C) during the day and 10 degrees cooler at night. If needed, you can add a humidity tray under the pot which will add moisture back into the air around the foliage of the plant. Tip: Make sure you avoid spraying leaves directly with water when watering, as this can cause spots on leaves from fungal rot when in contact with water for too long of a period. Fertilize the plant once every month during spring and summer with a houseplant fertilizer. Stop using fertilizers in fall and winter so as not to encourage new growth at the wrong time of year. Tip: You can also find pruning shears specifically designed for plants like the creeping fig which are easier to use than regular scissorsYou can take cuttings from your indoor creeping fig plant if you want to create more plants of your own, just remember that all branches cannot be inserted into the water at once or they’ll sink and rot before any roots will form on some of them. Instead, insert one branch per pot filled with moist soil until it forms roots on its own.

re there any supplies or equipment required?

You can buy a potting soil suited for indoor plants from pretty much any store, as well as fertilizer labeled specifically for houseplant use. If you have some time on your hands, you can mix up your houseplant soil at home with equal parts of peat moss, compost, and perlite. This will provide the plant with all the nutrients it needs to grow strong. 

Don’t forget that creeping figs need lots of humidity when grown indoors, especially in winter during the dry season so be sure to place your plant on a humidity tray filled with at least an inch of water. You can also mist your plant often to help increase humidity levels and keep the leaves free of dust.

One last thing I want to touch on is that many people think creeping figs and other vines like it (i.e. pothos) should be pruned at all times to encourage new growth. If you do this, you’ll only stimulate the roots so prune sparingly or you will lose your beautiful plant.

Grow Creeping Fig Indoors – FAQ

How do I grow other types of plants?

Let’s focus on two plants that are very popular – morning glories and amaryllis. When it comes to these plants in comparison with creeping fig, there are a few differences. One is that they require either a dormant period or light exposure to grow, and the second difference is that you will not be able to use them for cut flowers. You would have a hard time dividing these plants which leads us to creeping fig.

Creeping fig does not have any of these requirements. They only need water from time to time and need less sunlight to survive. 

Can I propagate my plant?

The answer is yes – but it may take a bit longer than compared with other types of plants. Creeping fig is a type of vine that can grow very quickly, and the vines only get thicker each time you use a new cutting. The good news is that it’s not hard to propagate them by using rooting hormones.

What kind of soil do I need for this plant?

Creeping figs like organic matter in its soil. You can easily find commercial potting soils which are ideal for creeping figs. If you want another option try mixing your recipe at home – mix 1/3 compost, 1/3 peat moss, and 1/3 sand or perlite.

If you want to fertilize your plant regularly (it would be best if you could use an all-purpose liquid fertilizer ) I would recommend you to use a fertilizer containing 10-10-10. Please keep in mind that you should only fertilize your plant once every month.

What kind of conditions does it need?

As I have mentioned before, creeping fig doesn’t require much sunlight – so if you are thinking of growing them next to your window or even on it, think again. Creeping fig is not recommended for growing indoors near windows because they may get too much sun while still getting some mild light which can lead to leaf scorches and other problems.

If you have no choice but the place has slits or slates where there is some dim light, that’s fine – but make sure that these areas are not in direct sunlight. Watering your creeping figs is also very important. If you are keeping it in an indoor pot then once or twice a week should be enough. Creeping figs love humidity – so if you want to increase the level of humidity in its surrounding area try placing some pebbles in its pot with water and let the plant take what it needs. You can also mist your plant now and then to keep up with the humidity levels. Last but not least, when you see your vines growing long, give them the kind of support they need so they don’t fall over their pots by climbing on something like sturdy

Growing A Creeping Fig Indoors - Climbing Fig
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Final thoughts on Grow creeping fig indoors

In conclusion, Creeping Fig is a very easy plant to grow indoors and I recommend it for almost any room in the house. By keeping in mind a few rules and guidelines, anyone would be able to grow this plant successfully.  

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