How High Should Grass Be Cut?

How High Should Grass Be Cut?

Keeping your grass healthy and at the right height is important if you want to enjoy it. If you don’t know how high the grass should be cut, you will have difficulty keeping your landscape looking great. This can lead to many problems down the road that are very difficult to solve.

There are different factors that decide how high grass should be cut. So, you need to do some research before deciding how much of an adjustment needs to be made with regard to cutting the lawn.

Our guide below can help answer this question for you and teach you more about cutting lawns in general.

The Rule of Thumb

How high should you cut the grass when you mow? The general rule of thumb for determining how high the grass should be cut is only to cut off no more than one-third of the height of your lawn. Each mowing should only remove about the top third of the grass blade.

It’s recommended that you stick to this rule of thumb and a lesser degree in spring. If you can’t remember the measurements in summer, consider mowing at a greater height. It’s also a good idea to choose one of the higher settings of your lawnmower wheels when the weather is hot or dry and mow at that height until you approach the fall season and the weather starts to cool off a bit.

Factors to Consider on the Rule of Thumb

Types of Grass

The first thing that you will have to think about is the type of grass lawn you have. Some people don’t realize it, but there are different types of grass, and they all grow at different speeds and heights. Every grass type has its mowing height.

Keeping the Weeds Away

The next factor to think about is weed control. Weeds love growing in tall grass, and it’s important that you keep theirs under control. If you leave your grass too long, the weeds will take hold and ruin your lawn and use up a lot of water and nutrients from the soil.

Keep the Bugs Away

That’s not the only reason to keep your grass short. Bugs also like heat, and just like humans, they spend their time in shadier, cooler places. If you have a very tall lawn, it will grow over these areas and make them hotter because there won’t be any shade for the bugs to escape the heat.

In addition, too long grass is difficult to mow, and long grass clippings have to be removed and cannot be left on the lawn.

Laziness Doesn’t Pay

Keeping your grass cut short is also better for you. It’s far easier to maintain a shorter lawn because it requires less mowing, meaning that you can advance the cutting height more often. The mowing frequency depends on your grass type, its optimal height, and the grass growth speed, depending on the weather conditions.

For instance, cool grass such as Kentucky bluegrass and fine fescue grows faster during the cool spring and fall weather. While the exact heights vary depending on the grass type, the range of cool-season turf is between 1 and 5 inches.

Different Grasses Require Different Mowing Heights

All lawns are not the same. For instance, cut the grass too short, it becomes stressed, thin and you’ll be left with a shallower root system. Cutting the grass crowns will also make the turf vulnerable to weed pressure and require pesticide applications to prevent weeds and discourage pests.

Warm season grasses such as zoysia grass and Bermuda will tolerate a shorter, tighter cut, while cool season grasses like fescue and bluegrass need to be mowed taller to help shade the root system and keep heat stress away.

Mowing Too Low Damages Grass

Mowing your lawn too low will have a detrimental effect on your grass. When you cut the grass too low, it causes damage to the plant’s crown and results in a weaker root system, making your lawn more vulnerable to weeds, disease, and pests.

Mowing Too Low Damages Grass

Mowing too low reduces the density of the grass, making the lawn susceptible to invasive summer weed pressures. By mowing your grass too low, you may unknowingly be promoting crabgrass to grow because shade provided by higher cut grass blades shields the crabgrass seeds from much-needed sunlight.

Mowing too low also makes the turf vulnerable to summer heat. Without taller grass blades to shade the summer sun, low mowing can lead to stress damage quickly during long periods of summer drought.

How Short To Cut Grass in Spring?

At a minimum, it is best to cut turf no shorter than 3 inches during the early spring. If you have been postponing trimming your lawn because there was snow on the ground and cold weather, do not be tempted to mow just yet. Wait until grass blades begin hardening off on their own as summer approaches.

Mow cool season grass to a height of 3 inches tall and cut warm season grasses as low as half an inch up to 1.5 inches.

What Height Should Grass be Cut in Summer?

As temperature rises, your lawn height also goes up in summer. So, as the summer arrives, raise your mower height for cool season grasses and keep it closer to four inches. A taller plant shades the soil and keeps the root zone cooler during high heat periods. If you allow your lawn to grow too tall, it can result in broader leaf blades, lower plant density, and more susceptibility to turf diseases.

The Best Height to Cut Grass in the Fall

When inching into the fall, mid-length grass is the preference. Tall grass can get matted and become diseased in winter, but lawn roots can get exposed to extremely damagingly cold temperatures when you cut too short. So, focus on striking a balance in fall to prepare your lawn for winter.

Cut your cool season grass to about 2.5 inches before the first frost in winter and mow warm season grasses to two inches in fall.

How Often Should You Mow Your Grass?

Having a routine mowing schedule for your lawn is key. Grass will grow at different rates depending on fertilization, season, and weather conditions. Grass that is too long will not only make your lawn look shaggy, but it can also lead to problems with the health of your grass.

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Long grass can prevent water, sunlight, and nutrients from getting to the soil, which can cause your grass to turn yellow or brown. It can also increase weed growth and create an environment where insects and diseases can thrive.

What is the One-Third Rule?

Regardless of your grass species, you shouldn’t remove more than one third of the grass height when mowing. This is important because the grass is a living plant, and they all undergo some stress when cut.

What is the One-Third Rule?
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FAQs on How High Should Grass be Cut

Can you mow your lawn when it’s wet?

No, avoid mowing your lawn when it’s wet because other than jamming the lawn mower blades and clogging the discharge chute, wet grass can also leave clumps of grass on the lawn. Grass collecting on the mower blades also aids in tearing the grass much like a dull blade. Keeping your lawn mower blade sharp shouldn’t be overstated.

How often should the mower blade get sharpened?

Keep your mower blade sharpened as a cleaner cutting blade results in less stress on the turf. A dull mower blade rips and shreds the grass leaf, making the plant susceptible to disease. A good rule of thumb is to sharpen your blade every ten mower hours.

Final Thought on How High Should Grass be Cut

As you can see, keeping your lawn about two and a half inches tall and leaving the grass slightly taller about three inches in the shady areas will maintain a healthy lawn. It is also important to keep your mower blade sharpened and collect the grass clippings. Follow these tips, and you will be on your way to a lush, green lawn.


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How to Kill Crabgrass

How to Kill Crabgrass

Crabgrass is an invasive weed that can ruin your lawn. If you do not fight back, it will become a serious problem for you and may even lower your home’s value. 

The first step in fighting crabgrass is knowing about its behavior and lifestyle. By understanding how this weed behaves, you will have an easier time finding ways to kill it and defend your turf from this invasive plant.

Many products out there claim they can help you get rid of crabgrass once and for all, but only a few works as advertised. In fact, some may cause more harm than good if used incorrectly because they contain harmful chemicals or toxins that can damage the grass when applied incorrectly or too often. 

To make sure you choose the right product for killing crabgrass, check out our guide on how to kill crabgrass below.

How to Kill Crabgrass Naturally

If crabgrass is a problem in your yard, you have more than one way of getting rid of this weed. The most natural way is to cultivate a healthy lawn and outcompete the pesky weed. Other natural ways include pulling the weed in the spring, providing your lawn with the proper nutrients, and reseeding where necessary.

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For tenacious crabgrass infestation, you can learn how to kill crabgrass with post emergent herbicides that kill grass well after germination. Post emergent herbicides work by killing the crabgrass plant.

On the other hand, pre eminent herbicides kill crabgrass before the seeds emerge. This makes it easier to get the job done and allowing you time in the season to cultivate a lawn where there once were weeds.

When to Kill Crabgrass

It’s important to familiarize yourself with the plant’s life cycle to effectively eradicate crabgrass. When spring soil temperatures reach 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit, crabgrass seeds germinate. From mid summer through fall, the plant produces more seeds to increase its numbers. Once the first frost arrives, the plants themselves are killed, not the seeds.

When using an organic method, wait until the seedlings are big enough to hand pull the roots and all. While crabgrass doesn’t spread via roots, removing the whole plant in early spring before amending the soil and reseeding is essential.

Pre-emergent herbicide, also known as crabgrass preventer, comes in either a granular or liquid form and kills crabgrass seedlings right as they germinate.

How to Kill Crabgrass Step by Step

Tools and Materials

Post emergent herbicidePre emergent herbicideNon selective herbicideWork glovesOrganic compostPitchfork or weeding toolGrass seedPump sprayerGarden rakeSpadeSafety glasses

Pull Out the Crabgrass by Hand or Using a Tool

Before you start, you should gear up. Wear eye protection, gloves and old clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty. Also, the soil will be wet, so make sure your shoes aren’t worn out. Before hand pulling the young crabgrass, water the problem area with a sprinkler or garden hose and wait about 30 minutes for the water to soak in.

Pull Out the Crabgrass by Hand or Using a Tool
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This method is very important because even if you use herbicide to kill crabgrass weed, you’ll still have to dig it out to completely get rid of it. Try this method before using chemicals because chemicals have detrimental effects on the surrounding lawn grasses. Removing crabgrass naturally by digging up is a great way of eliminating the weeds without killing lawn grass.

pply a Crabgrass Killer Herbicide

Different types of crabgrass killer herbicides are available, but you need to make sure the one you choose is for your type of lawn. For instance, a homeowner with a St. Augustine grass lawn should not use a product designed for a Bermuda grass lawn because it will kill St. Augustine and the weed.

Apply a Crabgrass Killer Herbicide
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For buffalo grass, centipede grass, fine fescue, Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass, use herbicide with mesotrione as an active ingredient. It’s also important to read and follow the herbicide label instructions carefully. Improper use of these products can not only kill crabgrass but also other plants in your lawn.

Use a quality broadleaf weed killer to kill the crabgrass plants that remain after the seeding process. It will take several weeks to work, but it should eventually kill off any remaining crabgrass plants. Raking up all dead grass will make it easier for homeowners to keep the area free of crabgrass seeds.

dd Compost

Use a fertilizer with crabgrass fertilizer added to it to save time. Apply the fertilizer just before it rains to work the fertilizer and the herbicide into the soil. This will help thicken the turf. Thicker turf helps to squeeze out crabgrass plants missed by the herbicide. You can also learn how to make compost to use instead of artificial fertilizer.

pply Grass Seed

If you have large bare patches in your lawn, reseed these areas with a good quality grass seed mix. A mix that contains perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue is a good choice. These grasses are all cool-season grasses that will germinate and grow quickly, helping to fill in the bare spots.

pply Corn Gluten Meal

Corn gluten meal is a by-product of the corn milling process. It is a natural, organic herbicide that helps to suppress crabgrass growth. Apply it in the spring, before crabgrass germinates, at the rate of 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet. 

Water the area well after application. Corn gluten also works as a lawn fertilizer due to its high nitrogen content. It works by inhibiting crabgrass seeds from forming roots after germination. Corn gluten meal can be put down as pre-emergent to prevent crabgrass and other weeds that germinate in the spring.

However, corn gluten doesn’t prevent the germination of crabgrass. Instead, it only controls it by feeding lawn grass with sufficient nitrogen, making lawn grass grow faster, choking out crabgrass.

Fight Crabgrass with Healthy Lawns

Fight those pesky crabgrass infestations by first building a healthy lawn. Black Medic, tall fescue and hybrid Bermuda grass varieties are all known for their ability to handle stress and drought and do not encourage the spread of crabgrass. A thick lawn provides a dark canopy of grass blades over the seeds to sprout.

Thoroughly water your lawn once a week to encourage the grass’s root system to go deeper, making the whole lawn hardier and heat tolerant. Avoid short, frequent watering as the sips will promote a shallow, weaker root system in your lawn. Also, don’t mow wet grass if you want to encourage healthy growth.

pply a Double Dose of Herbicide to Crabgrass Hotspots

Limit crabgrass growth in areas like driveways, sidewalks and curbs or on south-facing banks by doing a targeted double treatment when necessary. This is because these areas absorb a lot of heat during the summer months, making them more susceptible to crabgrass.

Once you’ve treated your entire lawn, go back and make another pass about six to eight feet wide, along with hotspot areas. This will help keep crabgrass from taking hold.

Burn Weeds Off With a Blow Torch

When you’ve got an area where there is no grass at all, or you want to kill the weeds and not take out the entire lawn, try this trick. The target weeds absorb so much heat that they will pop when hit with flame. Some varieties of quack grass, for example, will burst into flames with just a couple of seconds of direct exposure to the torch flame.

However, be careful when using this method, as you can also damage nearby plants if you’re not careful. Make sure that you keep the flame moving and don’t hold it in one spot for too long. Also, avoid burning the lawn if it’s still wet from dew or rain. 

This method is effective for killing weeds growing underneath the base of a tree, as the flame will effectively kill everything within about 3 to 4 inches of where it meets the ground.

Mow the New Grass

Crabgrass has a tough triangular stem to slice with a weed eating blade. However, if you take your mower and raise the blades as high as they will go, you can effectively cut the grass at its base. While this may not kill it immediately, it will prevent it from growing back for a period of time while the new grass takes hold.

If you have a lot of crabgrass, it’s best to start with the highest blade height and then work your way down as the new grass grows in. This will allow the lawn grass to protect its turf, depriving crabgrass seeds of the light they need to germinate.

Use Vinegar to Kill Crabgrass Organically

Vinegar is a natural herbicide that can be used to kill crabgrass. It’s important to use white distilled vinegar, as other types of vinegar may not be effective. To use vinegar to kill crabgrass, mix one part vinegar with three parts water in a spray bottle. 

Spray the mixture on the crabgrass and weeds, and then wait for the weeds to die. Be sure to avoid spraying vinegar on any plants you want to keep, as it will kill them.

Use Baking Soda to Kill Crabgrass Naturally

Baking soda can be used to kill crabgrass. When making the mixture, it’s very important that no additional ingredients are included. To use baking soda for killing crabgrass, mix one tablespoon of baking soda with one cup of water.

Add baking soda slowly, so the solution doesn’t bubble over when mixed. Pour this mixture on the crabgrass that you want to kill. 

FAQs on How to Kill Crabgrass

What kills crabgrass and not the lawn?

Post emergent herbicides such as all in one weed killer or image herbicide kill crabgrass plus other lawn weeds and leave the lawn healthy.

Is there an organic way to kill crabgrass?

Yes, you can use baking soda as an organic way to kill crabgrass. Baking soda is a natural herbicide and will not harm the green lawn or surrounding areas.

What causes crabgrass?

Crabgrass is a summer annual weed that thrives in hot summer weather conditions and does best in soil with a neutral to acidic pH level, typically between 6 and 7.5. It becomes dormant during the winter months and will remain until springtime when the soil warms up. 

Crabgrass is typically seed produced; however, it can also reproduce via its roots or stolons in the same season in which it germinated.

Final Thought on How to Kill Crabgrass

As you can see, crabgrass is an unsightly weed that can wreak havoc on your lawn. It is important to get rid of crabgrass at the first sign of its germination to keep it from spreading. The most effective way to get rid of crabgrass is through preventative measures, such as applying pre-emergent herbicides in early springtime when the soil is still cool.

If you cannot get to your lawn early in the season, you should apply a post-emergent herbicide to kill the crabgrass. These methods, when used together, will give you good results in keeping these weeds under control so they won’t wreak havoc on your lawn. 


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Midcentury Modern Bedroom Ideas

Midcentury Modern Bedroom Ideas

One of the best things about mid century modern bedrooms is that there are many different options to choose from. Whether you want your room to be simple and elegant or bold and in-your-face, there’s something out there for everyone. The trick is finding it. 

In this article, we will discuss some of the most popular mid century modern bedroom designs that people use when they want to make their bedrooms look stylish and luxurious without breaking the bank.

dd a Mid Century Modern Nightstand

One of the easiest ways to add a touch of mid century modern style to your bedroom is by adding a nightstand. Nightstands are a great way to add extra storage space to your bedroom, and they can also be used to add extra visual interest to the room.

If you’re looking for a simple, elegant nightstand that will help you create a midcentury design, then try this one-piece mid century modern furniture to give your bedroom a shot of style. Nightstands are easy to find, and many of them are inexpensive.

Splash of Boho with Midcentury Modern Bedding

If you’d like to add a touch of bohemian style but don’t have the budget for new bedding, you can always choose to change out your duvet cover. This will help transform your room’s look while also being an economical option that doesn’t require extra money on accessories or furniture. 

Incorporate Mid Century Modern Lighting

One of the easiest and most effective ways to add a touch of mid century modern style to your bedroom is by incorporating some mid century modern lighting into the design. Pendant light, for example, is a perfect way to introduce this look and can be found in a variety of price points. 

If you’re looking for a sophisticated bedroom, then mid century modern decor pendant lights in matching finishes and some classic molded plastic chairs would be ideal.

Use Natural Materials

Instead of using modern materials, opt for natural wood and natural finishes. This will reduce the coldness found in many mid century modern designs. When using natural materials, consider combining wooden furniture as this will combine lots of sunlight and some plants to round out the colors.

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Focus on Earth Tones and Colors

For a classic mid century modern style, you’ll want to focus on color palettes such as neutrals and earth tones. Try to play with different shades of brown, rust, mustard, yellow, and green with a touch of gray and white. If you’re using a dark wall color, make sure you have enough natural light coming in so your room doesn’t look too gloomy. You can also learn other ways to brighten a dark room and make it livelier. 

Skip the Classic Color Scheme

If you’re looking for something a little more unique, then you can try playing with different color schemes. If you also love clean lines, geometric shapes, and the overall clean feel of the mid century modern style but you’re not thrilled about the muted tones, then keep the style and ditch the colors.

Look for Tapered Legs

The mid century modern style is typically associated with furniture pieces with tapered legs, which gives the table, the dresser, and a bed frame a distinct look. If you choose between two otherwise identical tables, one of them has tapered legs, and the other doesn’t go for the more interesting design. Their sleek, round frames make for a roomier and more spacious look.

Look for Tapered Legs
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Consider Bold Accent Wall

Do you want to give a simple mid century modern bedroom a powerful shot of style? Well, create a boldly patterned accent wall. A busy wallpaper with a strong geometric pattern or a solid color in a deep hue can make a big impact. It will also draw the eye and create a focal point in the room.

Consider Bold Accent Wall
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Keep it Neutral

When decorating a mid century modern bedroom, you’ll want to stick to neutral colors as much as possible. That doesn’t mean you have to go for a beige or gray overall color palette, though. Use a soft white in the walls, with off-white trim and accessories. For dark brown furniture, consider painting it a lighter shade of tan instead.

Keep it Neutral
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Go With Eames Chair

When it comes to furniture, the key is simplicity and functionality. A great way to achieve this look is with an Eames chair. These iconic chairs come in a variety of colors and styles so that you can find the perfect one for your room. Plus, they’re comfortable and stylish, making them perfect for mid century modern design.

Look for Natural Wood Furniture

Mid century rooms are all about natural materials, so feel free to go a little more rustic with your furniture choices. Look for pieces made from natural wood, such as maple, walnut, or oak. Also, consider clean lines and muted tones to bring mid century modern into your bedroom. These woods will add a warm and cozy feeling to your room while keeping with the mid century modern aesthetic.

Change Things Up with a Platform Bed

Don’t hesitate to change your bed frame for a more glamorous platform bed. The straight lines of a platform bed work well with mid century decor. So, opt for a nice platform bed, and then stack it with books and throw pillows to give your room extra personality.

Change Things Up with a Platform Bed
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Create a Gallery Wall to Act as a Focal Point

A gallery wall is a great idea for a mid century modern bedroom because it can be a focal point for the room. Choose a few of your favorite pieces of art and hang them up on one wall. This will add some interest to the room and help pull the design together.

Use Geometric Patterns

Geometric patterns are a huge part of mid century modern bedrooms, so use them in your room. Bring in a nightstand, a dresser, organic shapes of lamps, and clean, straight lines of furniture in the room. Choose clean and modern patterns to work well with your decor.

Incorporate Colorful, Fun Mid Century Modern Bedroom Furniture

One great way to add some fun to your bedroom is incorporating colorful furniture. This can be done with a bed frame, dresser, or even just with accent pieces. Add a pop of color with a bright pillow or blanket, and you’ll have a stylish and fun mid century modern bedroom.

Bright Accents in the Mid Century Modern Bedroom

If you prefer to keep your bedroom decor simple, then the use of bright colors is a great way to liven your space. You can incorporate these with wall art, patterned textiles, or even just with small pieces of decor placed on top of furniture. Adding a few shots of accent color will help liven up neutral bedroom space.

Glamorous Mid Century Modern Style

If you are looking to add a touch of glamor to your mid century modern bedroom, there are a few things you can do. You can start by adding metallic finishes to your furniture or accessories. You can also add plush fabrics such as velvet, faux fur, or silk since they also make the best ideas for those looking for how to decorate the bedroom

This will give the room a more luxurious feel. As demonstrated beautifully in this bedroom by an interior designer, the use of bold abstract paintings, luxurious fur throw, mustard armchair, and elegant furniture adds to a sophisticated and glamorous bedroom.

Built-In Bookcases in the Mid Century Modern Bedroom

If you are looking to build-in storage into your mid century modern bedroom, the best option is to install built-in bookshelves. This gives the room a more polished feel, but at the same time, it is functional. Shelves do not clutter up space and can be decorated with ornamental bookends or vases of flowers.

White Mid Century Modern Bedroom

A room with a white tone is always modern and chic. This bedroom oozes elegance and luxury through white silk curtains and plush white carpeting. The bed follows the line of symmetry and leaves plenty of space for the window. The bedside lamps give a warm glow that sets the mood for romance.

White Mid Century Modern Bedroom
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FAQs on Mid Century Modern Bedroom Ideas

What is a mid-century bedroom?

Mid-century modern refers to the decorating style that rose to popularity in the 1950s and 1960s.

What are modern bedrooms?

Today, a modern bedroom is typically one that is minimalist in design, with clean lines and little ornamentation.

What is the difference between mid-century and contemporary?

Mid-century refers to the period around the 1950s, while contemporary usually means designs from the past 10 to 15 years.

Final Thought on Mid Century Modern Bedroom Ideas

Well, there you have it. You don’t have to be overwhelmed by all these modern bedroom ideas. Start with one thing at a time and move on from there while keeping in mind the key elements of mid-century design, including functionality, simplicity, and modernity.  


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