What is the Difference Between Cacti and Succulents?

What is the Difference Between Cacti and Succulents?

Succulents and cacti are popular houseplants, but it can be hard to know their differences as they almost look the same. Unfortunately, most people use the terms interchangeably when talking about these two types of plants. This can be confusing to those new to both of these plants.

Even though cacti and succulents may appear similar, they are actually different. While cacti fall in the category of succulents, there are many succulents that are not cacti. To help clear some confusion regarding cactus vs. succulents, we’ve put together a list of their top differences below. Keep reading!

What Are Succulents?

Succulents are a variety of plants that store water in their roots, leaves, and stems. This characteristic leads to increased drought tolerance. Succulent plants are very popular in home gardening because they require very low maintenance compared to other houseplants. 

Image credit: https://succulentplantcare.com/

Succulents are available in more than 60 varieties. Some succulent varieties include aloe, haworthia, sedum, sempervivum, and cacti. So, as you can see, most succulents don’t belong to the same plant family. They differ in their visual, genetic, and geographical features.

Characteristics of Succulents

They have an evolved leaf texture surface that quickly prevents the plant from losing water. Succulent plants exhibit growth patterns consistent with water preservation. They have slow and compact growth consistency with energy preservation, spherical and columnar growth with limited surface area to avoid exposure and evaporation.They have ribs and grooves that allow them to shrink during droughts and swell with water when there’s precipitation.The plant also has Crassulacean acid metabolism photosynthesis, which allows it to open its pores at night to reduce moisture loss and take in carbon dioxide needed for photosynthesis during the day. In some succulents, photosynthesis is conducted by their green stems.They have a shallow root system to allow the plant to absorb moisture at the surface of the soil during drought periods.Some succulents such as the leaves of purslane are edible and can be used in salads and the juice of aloe vera plants, which has several health benefits.The agave plant is also another non-cactus succulent that is edible and is used to make agave syrup and tequila. Other non-cactus succulents include the moss rose, purple ice plant, Angelina stonecrop, Flaming Katy, and Chocolate Drop stonecrop.Another feature distinguishing cacti and succulents is that non-cactus succulents are native to multiple regions of the world, while most cacti are native arid climates.Succulents enjoy the warmth and bright light, but you shouldn’t leave them in prolonged direct sun exposure and excess warmth. Despite their drought tolerance, they can get leaf burn from too much sun exposure.Overwatering a succulent is also a sure-fire way of seeing your plant die because of root rot. But that doesn’t mean that you should never water them. They need water but in excess as this will hurt the plant.

What Are Cacti?

Cacti display the same characteristics as succulents, such as water storage, shallow roots, fleshy stems, and waxy leaves. If you want rock garden plants that can survive all the hardship, try cacti. But there’s always something that sets them apart from other succulents. Maybe it can be their spines or something else.

What Are Cacti?
Image credit: https://cdn.britannica.com/

Features of Cactus

The big difference is that they don’t have leaves and branches but are full of spines. You can also find some cacti without spines. Spines are some of their important adaptation features to survive in arid deserts.Another distinguishing feature is the areoles. An areole is a small bump on the surface of a cactus. It can be light or dark and serves as the site where flowers, spines, and hair grow out. An areole is the most defining feature of the cactus. Therefore, if the plant has spines but no areoles, that’s not a cactus.They don’t have leaves and branches but a succulent stem that photosynthesizes and stores water. Some cacti stem look like pads and flattened segments. They include prickly pears and Christmas cacti. Their large, colorful flowers produce fruit.They also have a water preservation feature, including a shallow root system, grooved stems, slow-growth, and column-like or spherical columns. Most cacti are native to the arid desert, but a few varieties like prickly pear cactus have better tolerance to cold.

Major Differences Between Cacti and Succulents

Cactus Spines

Most cactus varieties produce spines that may be needle-like, bristly, hairy, and woolly. These spines perform several functions. They protect the water-rich flesh of cactus from thirsting animals. They also disrupt the airflow around the cactus stems to prevent excessive water loss, especially in drying desert winds. Each spine also provides a small shade for the plant.

Cactus Spines
Image credit: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/

Cactus Areoles

Cactus areoles are the small, raised areas of a cactus’ skin from which spines and sometimes hairs grow. These areoles also produce new buds, flowers, and fruits. The arrangement of the areoles on a cactus helps to identify different species. Areole is the defining feature of cacti, which is not found in succulents.

Cactus Flowers

Cactus and succulents all bloom. However, cactus flowers are far larger, showy, and more complex than succulents. Cactus flowers resemble other flowers and are normally pink, yellow, orange, blue, or red. They may be produced singly or in clusters.

Cactus Flowers
Image credit: https://knpr.org/

Cactus Fruits

Even though both cactus and succulents flower, only cactus produce fruits. Cactus fruit is typically hard and dry or fleshy and juicy. Prickly pear fruit and dragon fruit are the most known fleshy cactus fruits edible to humans.

Cactus Flutes, Ribs, and Pleats

Cactus stems are usually cylindrical or spherical but may be flattened. The ribs of cacti provide an efficient means of water storage and help reduce the plant’s weight. Cactus stems contain many pleats that expand and contract easily as they absorb or release water.

Cacti and Succulent Similarities

Although people often use the terms succulents and cacti interchangeably, these houseplants have a slight similarity. All cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti. You need to look into these similarities to understand how these plants are related. 

They both have spine presence and cylindrical shape. For example, some succulents also produce spiky thorns like euphorbia, a genus of succulents that is often confused with cactus due to these many thorns. Both plants can survive in both arid and semi-arid areas, thanks to their drought-tolerant features.

FAQs about the Difference Between Cacti and Succulents

Why do you need to differentiate between cactus and succulents?

Knowing how to identify a cactus vs. succulent can help you in keeping these plants’ requirements. Also, it’s good to know what you’re getting to avoid being tricked into buying something that’s not worth it. The blooming should also be a matter of concern.

Can you plant cacti and succulents together?

Yes, whether you want to plant a giant cactus or a small succulent, the way they’re potted means difference in failure and success. They’re both native to dry, low moisture environments.

They both require bright light, well-drained garden sites, and container potting soils. If you decide to plant them together, note that cacti need to be watered less often than other succulents.

Final Thought about the Difference Between Cacti and Succulents

There you have it! Apart from the differences in tolerance of direct sunlight and water requirements, keeping requirements for cacti and succulents are the same. Be sure to learn more about each of them before you get started. Make sure you familiarize yourself with the requirements specification of your variety to ensure you meet their requirements.


The post What is the Difference Between Cacti and Succulents? appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.

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How To Sweep A Floor

How To Sweep A Floor

When it comes to home cleaning projects, sweeping floors is very important. Sweeping keeps your floors free from unsightly and unhygienic dust and debris. Sweeping a floor is an essential home task that many people do wrong.

Many people don’t realize that the way you sweep can make all the difference in keeping your floor clean. If you want to keep your home looking its best between mops or vacuums, consider these helpful hints when trying to effectively sweep a floor of any kind. Here’s how to sweep a floor.

Clear Away Obstructions and Messes

Start by decluttering a room you intend to sweep to remove any messy obstructions. Additionally, remove furniture, throw rugs, and many decorations that may get in your way while sweeping.

This is also a good opportunity to throw your rugs in the wash and dust any furniture. Doing this will prevent your throw rugs and furniture from getting your freshly cleaned floors dirty when you replace them.

Choose the Best Broom for Your Needs

There are a variety of brooms on the market these days, so it’s important to choose the right one for your specific needs. If you’re sweeping a hard floor, such as tile or linoleum, you’ll need a stiff broom that can effectively move dirt and debris. For smoother floors, opt for synthetic brooms.

Image credit: https://www.homestratosphere.com/

For rough texture floors, use natural fiber bristles. After deciding on the type of bristle you need, find a broom with angled bristles to get into corners and crevices. Lastly, pick a broom with a comfortable height handle that is not too heavy. 

Also, don’t forget a dustpan and a hand broom. A hand broom will help you sweep your debris pile into the dustbin. Use a dustpan with a razor thin lip to help you sweep up all the dust.

Pick a Sweeping Method

When it comes to sweeping, there are several ways you can go about it. You may start sweeping on the outer edges of a room by pushing and building a dirt pile at the center of the broom. 

Pick a Sweeping Method
Image credit: https://www.thespruce.com/

You can also start at one end of the room and keep the dirt pile close as you move about the floor or you can sweep a section at a time and put dirt piles in the trash can after completing each section. Make sure you choose a method and starting point that works best for you.

Start Sweeping in the Furthest Room

If you’re sweeping a floor for the first time, start in the furthest room from the entrance and work your way towards the front door. This will help keep all the dirt and dust in one area and make it easier to clean up.

Begin on a section of the floor that’s away from your body and gently drag the broom toward your body. You can use quick short motions or long sweeping motions to get the job done. Make sure you choose a sweeping style that fits your personal preference.

Clean Your Broom Periodically

It’s always best to take care of your tools, so make sure you clean your broom frequently. Dirt and dust will build upon the broom bristles over time so it’s important to remove buildup before it becomes a problem. You can wash or wipe off any loose dirt with water or use a brush to get at the harder-to-reach areas.

This is very important because as you sweep, your broom may accumulate dander, pet hair, and dust bunnies on the bristles. Turn your broom upside down and use your hand to remove the lint, pet hair, and other woozies from the bristles. If you’re still far from the collection point, take that fistful of fuzzy and dump it directly in your garbage can.

Dispose of the Dirt Pile

Now it’s time to get rid of that dirt pile. If you have a dustpan, this will be a breeze. Simply place the dust pan directly under the dirt pile, and using your other hand, flick the pile into the pan. If you don’t have a dustpan, no worries – just use your broom to push the pile over to a garbage can.

Wash Your Supplies and Put them Away

After sweeping your floors, the broom bristles will get dirty, especially if you have pet dander and human hair on your floor. Most of the time, your broom just needs a quick removal of build-up with your hand. As you clean your broom, don’t forget your brush and the dustpan.

Wash Your Supplies and Put them Away
Image credit: https://empire-s3-production.bobvila.com/

Use dish soap to wash things, and place them away in their rightful places. Don’t leave your broom standing up against the wall – this will cause it to lose its shape, weakening the bristles. Always store the broom with bristles upright and off the floor.

Use the Drawbridge Technique to Deal with Annoying Dustpan Lines

If you want to get crazy, you can use the drawbridge technique to deal with annoying dustpan lines. This is a two-person process that will make cleaning the floor much faster. One person sweeps the dirt and debris towards the dustpan while the other person uses their free hand to keep the pan open so nothing falls out. The person with the dustpan has to act like a drawbridge, keeping their hand on top of it while making sure nothing falls out.

This method is very important, especially if the dustpan you’re using has a lip that’s too thick to let dust and smaller pieces of debris pass over easily. You can also vacuum or wipe up dust lines that you’re having difficulty corralling with your broom.

FAQs about How to Sweep a Floor

Is it better to sweep or vacuum the floor?

Sweeping is a great way of cleaning floors of large debris. However, for hardwood floors, it’s better to vacuum to get rid of fine dust and particles that may miss, especially in the wood floor crevices.

What is the proper way of holding a broom?

When holding a broom, you should grip it about one-third of the way down from the top. This will give you the best balance and control when sweeping. Make sure you use both two hands to hold the broom.

Can I sweep up liquid spills?

No, sweeping liquid spills will only spread them around and make the mess bigger. Instead, use a mop or towel to soak up the liquid. Learn how to mop a floor to make cleaning spills easier.

How do you sweep without stirring up dust?

Use smaller, shorter strokes while holding the broom more parallel to the floor. This will help you avoid stirring up dust while sweeping.

Final Thought about how to Sweep a Floor

As you can see, sweeping the floor is not that difficult, but also not as easy as you thought. And by following these simple steps, your floor will be far cleaner than it would have been had you simply dragged the old broom across it.


The post How To Sweep A Floor appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.