Transforming Furniture For Small Spaces

Transforming Furniture For Small Spaces

Most people are not aware that they can transform their furniture into something that really works for them. The truth is that making your furniture functional can really happen with a bit of thought and some minor adjustments. This is especially useful if you have a small space.

In this article, we will go over some tips to help you maximize your space and transform your furniture so that it works for you.

Here’s all you need to know. 

How to arrange furniture in your house

Arranging furniture in your house is all about balance. You want to create an area with a balance that is aesthetically pleasing and functional for the activities you are using it for. Here are some tips on arranging furniture in small spaces.

1. Find ways to make your furniture multi-purposed

This is probably one of the best things you can do when arranging furniture in a room.

Instead of having a separate coffee table, side table, TV stand, etc., try finding one piece of furniture that has multiple purposes. 

For example, instead of having separate pieces of furniture, buy a sectional or sofa bed that will allow your guests or family members to sleep comfortably if they are spending the night. Having this option available will not only save you space but allow you to use the furniture in different ways just by rearranging it.

2. Use space wisely – don’t waste any of it

One of the biggest complaints people have about their homes is that they do not have enough room to entertain guests or family members, or even just for themselves when they are relaxing at home. You can easily avoid this problem by using all of the available space wisely.  

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Do not make your dining table fit a certain number of people and then never use it again because there is no room. A great way to save space would be to buy a folding table and move it to where you need it instead of having a permanent dining table taking up much-needed space. 

Then, when you are done using it, push it out of the way and use that space for something else. This will allow you to maximize your space and avoid turning one room into a storage unit with all of the furniture taking up so much room.

3. Maximize storage space by using the vertical area in your room

A great way to store belongings and save on space is by utilizing the vertical area. For example, instead of stacking books on your coffee table or side table, try storing them vertically in a corner bookcase. 

You can also buy hanging shoe racks or organizers that will make use of those empty walls next to doors as well as the top part of closets where there is no room. This is a great way to store clothes, shoes, towels in your bathroom, etc.

4. Make sure you have enough seating for guests, even if it means using a futon or folding chair

One of the most common complaints people have about their homes when they are entertaining is that there are not enough seats for everyone to sit down and relax. Having more than enough seating options will allow all of your guests to sit down comfortably while also leaving some space open for movement around the room – all without bumping into each other. It will make everyone feel more comfortable and at ease during get-togethers with friends and family members.

5. Add some greenery to the room with plants or flowers

Adding plants or flowers to the room is a great way to add some nature to an area and allow your eyes to see something other than furniture. This will also help brighten up the room and give it a more cohesive feel.

6. Make sure you have enough lighting for each space in your home

Having proper lighting doesn’t just mean finding the brightest bulbs you can find and placing them everywhere in the house. It means strategically finding places where there is no light, such as corners or next to doors, and adding lamps or sconces that will give off enough light without being too bright. You want your rooms to look well-lit but not like a crime scene.  

7. Place furniture with similar colors together

By placing furniture with similar colors together you are making the room look more cohesive. For example, if you have a brown couch in your living room, try placing it next to another piece of brown furniture like a side table or an ottoman. This will give the space a more solid feel and make it look larger than it is due to everything looking connected.

8. Make use of vertical space when hanging pictures on the wall for your art gallery

Instead of stacking frames on top of each other, place them vertically on the walls by using hooks (you can easily buy these at any home improvement store) or putting nails into the wall without completely hammering them in so they do not go all the way through. This is a great way to turn any wall into an art gallery without having to spend hundreds of dollars on frames.

9. Use baskets, bins, or boxes instead of shelves whenever you can

Shelves are one of the most popular pieces of furniture in homes today but oftentimes people do not think about how much space they take up or how much storage they provide. Baskets, bins, and boxes are a much better alternative because they are lower to the ground.

10. Build a great kitchen island

When it comes to building a kitchen island, you are only limited by your imagination. You can use storage containers, baskets, or even cinder blocks to build an island that will have chairs on one side for seating guests and counter space on the other to make great use of vertical space.

Kitchen Island Ideas: Design Yours to Fit Your Needs
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11. Make sure there are plenty of electrical outlets in each room

Outlets are not just needed next to the TV; they need to be easy to access throughout your entire home so you can charge devices easily without having to re-plug them constantly.

12. Use shelves instead of bulky furniture whenever possible

By using shelves instead of bulky furniture like cabinets or dressers you will save a lot of floor space which you can then use for seating, tables, rugs, etc. This is also a great way to store a lot of items out of sight and off the floors.

13. Use furniture with storage whenever possible

Furniture with built-in drawers, cabinets, or cubbies is a great way to cut down on clutter as you can keep things hidden away in the drawers instead of on tables or chairs where they can be seen by guests or become an eyesore for yourself. If you have bulky items that you have no other use for, consider getting a storage bench that will provide even more storage space while also being a comfortable place to sit.

Final thoughts on transforming furniture for small spaces

In conclusion, transforming furniture does have a lot of benefits for people living in small spaces. Although this may be costly, this is a one-off expense that will create massive changes within your home. Without it, your home would just continue to look bare and empty with not much to look at or anything unique about it.

Having the right furniture will create the perfect finish for your home and I would highly recommend anyone to think long and hard about how to make the best use of their space.

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Control Gnats In Plants

Control Gnats In Plants

Gnats are very small files that can be a nuisance to gardeners trying to grow healthy plants. There are many species of gnats, but the one type that is problematic for gardeners in planting beds and potted plants is fungus gnats. If your plants have been eaten away by tiny maggots, then fungus gnats are your culprits.

In this article, I will go over how to identify fungus gnats, how to get rid of them, and tips that can help you avoid future infestations. Keep reading to learn more.

What are gnats?

The most common species found in homes are fungus gnats. They are tiny, black insects with long legs and wings that lack scales. The adults do not eat anything because they do not have mouths, but their maggots can be very destructive to plants. 

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Adult gnats lay eggs on soil surfaces or the base of houseplants where fungi grow. Fungus gnat larvae feed off of fungus growing in your plant’s soil. A few types of fungus gnats are Bradysia impatiens, Sciara, Mycetophila fungorum, and Bolitiphila.

Fungus gnats can infest both outdoor and indoor plants, and they like to lay eggs in high-nitrogen soil. If your houseplants are suffering from fungus gnat infestation, you’ll see damage on the leaves in the form of tiny brown or black spots that look like dirt stains. The leaves will start dying off after turning black. In severe cases, small maggots may be visible on plant roots or bases where adults lay eggs.

In addition to being a nuisance pest for planting beds and potted plants, fungus gnats pose risks to human health as well. Their larvae do not only feed off of dead organic material but also excrete it as a waste matter which can contaminate indoor air.

If you have fungus gnats in your home, you may notice a strong irritating sweet smell that smells similar to mold or mildew. If the infestation is bad enough you might start sneezing and seeing more of them flying around near windowsills.

How do you know if your potted plants have these pests?

1) If mushrooms are growing out of the potting mix it is a tell-tale sign that fungus gnats are present in the soil.

2) If you spot small insects flitting about your plants, you also could have an infestation. The larvae of the gnats love to eat root hairs and plant stems. You can tell if your plant has maggots by lifting the potting mix to take a look.

3) Fungus gnat larvae are typically creamy-white with shiny blackheads. They also will leave tiny tracks on the soil surface that resemble little snail paths from all their digging around near plant roots.

4) If fungus is growing out of the soil where it should not be, then you also could have a gnat problem.

5) If you have moldy, spotted leaves or dying plants then fungus gnats could be responsible for the damage.

6) Finally, if you notice signs of root rot, it could be a symptom of an infestation from fungus gnats and other pests.

How to get rid of gnats in plants 

The first thing I would recommend doing is removing any potted plants that are infected with fungus gnats from the area. If possible put them away from your healthy plants to avoid spreading the problem by way of spores during watering cycles. If you cannot seem to get rid of them, then I would recommend removing the infected plant and soil altogether to kill any larvae that might be present.

If your indoor plants are not infested, you can prevent fungus gnats from ever getting into your home by placing sticky yellow traps around baseboards where they tend to fly. If the traps do not work, try using a natural pesticide made from orange peel oil.

How to choose the right pesticide for killing fungus gnats

There are so many pesticides available in stores that it is difficult for anyone without experience or education to know which ones will work best for fungus gnat control. You should avoid unnecessary exposure by way of inhalation as much as possible. This means steering clear of pesticides that use chemicals such as pyrethrin and rotenone. Natural pesticides made from plant extracts or oils can be effective in controlling fungus gnats while being safer for your health and the environment.

Another option is to use a sticky trap that will catch the flying adults before they can lay eggs and reproduce. The traps can be purchased online or at your local nursery.

Fungus gnat larvae grow in moist soil, so drying up the top layer of soil where adults land to lay eggs is another way to kill this invasive species. Some natural pesticides work by way of suffocation because fungus gnats must have a moist environment for survival. Certain products on the market claim to eliminate fungus gnat infestations within 48 hours by dehydrating all stages of their life cycle.

In my opinion, it would be best to try using a biological pesticide as your first line of defense against these annoying pests because they are non-toxic and break down quickly into safe compounds without leaving residue. Biological pesticides are fungi that produce enzymes that paralyze the insect and then digest them over time once consumed. Using a biological pesticide can be especially helpful when you have fungus gnats in your houseplants because natural predators like nematodes will actively seek out larvae in the soil where they can do their job with no chemicals involved at all.

How to make a homemade pesticide 

What you’ll need: one cinnamon stick, two cups of water, and one tablespoon of organic dishwashing soap.

First, put the cinnamon stick in a pot filled with water and bring it to a boil until it reduces by half. Then take out your cinnamon stick and add the dishwashing soap and stir thoroughly.

Pour this mixture into a spray bottle when it has cooled off completely, then when it’s time for pests to appear just spray them away. One thing to keep in mind when making pesticides such as these is that they only last about three days so if you have fungus gnats reoccurring you will want to mix up another batch or switch chemicals to be more effective. It is best to experiment with what you have at home and formulate some sort of natural pesticide that works well for the type of pest you are looking to eliminate.

Tips on how to prevent fungus gnats in plants

Going forward, if you’re having issues with fungus gnats in your plants, be very careful about overwatering. Overwatering will promote root rot which is a major cause of fungus gnat infestations.

If your plants are already being attacked by these pests, carefully look them over for eggs or larvae before bringing them back indoors. The safest way to kill any potential eggs would be using insecticidal soap so they do not reproduce and continue their cycle of eating away at your plants.

Afterward, you want to repot with new soil so that the fungus gnat larvae cannot continue their cycle in the moist environment they love.

Any sick-looking plants should be taken down immediately so they do not infect germinating seeds or nearby vegetation. Getting rid of fungus gnats is essential for plant health as well as your hygiene because if these pests manage to reproduce inside your home it can lead to a breeding ground for pestilence and disease. It’s best to keep an eye on all of your beloved houseplants – this should make gnats in plans become a distant memory through proper irrigation methods.

Control Gnats In Plants – FAQ

How do I get rid of voles in my garden?

Gnats are not the only pests to want to get rid of. Getting rid of voles in your garden can be tough and there are several things that you will need to do for this to happen. First of all, when looking for ways to get rid of voles, you will want to figure out what is attracting these pesky critters into your yard.

The first thing that you should check is if they are coming into your yard because it smells like food, water, or shelter. If this is the case then the easiest way to get rid of them would be by getting rid of whatever is attracting them.

Make sure that you also check for burrows in your garden – if they are already in there it will be much harder to get rid of voles. Regardless of how you plan on getting rid of these critters from your yard, another good idea would be to look into purchasing traps and poisons that can help with the process.

How to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats in Houseplants, Organically
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How do I prune tomato plants?

Pruning tomato plants is something that you will want to do to get the most out of your yields. Tomato plants tend to produce at multiple places along the stem, and you must wait until these flower clusters are just about to open before you prune them off. Doing this ensures that your plant will be more productive than ever before while spreading its energy between fewer branches.

Final thoughts on controlling gnats in plants

In conclusion, pests are everywhere. It is important to get them before they get you, especially if your crops are involved. You need to ensure that no pest can get into your garden and destroy all of your hard work. This includes insects, fungi, bacteria, nematodes, and anything else that would be considered a pathogen.

It’s also important to note that pesticides aren’t always the answer. Sometimes herbs or essential oils will do the trick just fine. Nature has provided us with countless different ways in which we can protect our crops from pests without having to rely on unnatural chemicals. Use every tool at your disposal—and try to stay balanced when deciding whether or not pesticides should be used in any specific situation.

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How to Cover a Chain-Link Fence and Give Yourself Privacy

How to Cover a Chain-Link Fence and Give Yourself Privacy

Chain link fences are a popular choice for boundary markers because they are inexpensive and easy to install. However, the openness of these fences leaves them exposed to prying eyes. If you’re looking for privacy but don’t want to replace your fence with a solid wood or vinyl panel, there are still ways around it.

Once these fences are installed, they’re hard to remove, even with a tractor because they’re deeply buried and encased in concrete. But there’s no need to live in constant fear of being watched from outside your house if you have a chain-link fence installed in front of it. 

Here’s how you can add some privacy without having to spend too much money on expensive fencing materials.

Purchase a Bamboo Fence

You can purchase bamboo fences online or at your local home improvement store. Rolled bamboo fencing is constructed from attached poles ranging in thickness from 3/4 -inch to 2 inches. You can install full bamboo pole screens by attaching the poles to the top and bottom of your chain link fencing. This will not only give you privacy, but it’s also a visually attractive addition to your backyard.

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Full bamboo screens are easy to install, and they’re designed for maximum strength and durability. Depending on how much privacy you need, you can use them in front of or behind your pool. If it’s for organic coverings, then full bamboo is durable but for organic material, it will slowly deteriorate unless you keep maintaining it.

Choose the poles cut on the bamboo nodes because they’ll do better than poles with exposed ends. This will extend their life as the nodes act as caps for the poles. While bamboo screens will last for a while, you need to maintain them regularly to get life out of them because various weather elements can deteriorate them. Also, if you’re doing a long fence, then you’ll need multiple bamboo rolls.

Chain Link Fence Slats

Fence slats are the ideal barrier material when you need to fence in an area for privacy purposes. The poles make it possible to see through the screen, but they also prevent anyone from seeing what’s on the other side because of their height. These fences allow for long, narrow pieces to be inserted vertically, so why not do your entire fence with these?

Chain Link Fence Slats
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Plus, these privacy screens are economical compared to other types that are made specifically for private areas. Fence slats are made of high-density polyethylene or aluminum.  You can also spray paint them with whatever color you like to help match them with the color of your home or complement your home color.

Because of their material, chain link slats can last for a long time. But depending on the weather in your region, you can repaint them once in a while. They’re also easy to replace, so don’t fret if they get damaged.

Reed Screens

This is another option for covering your chain-link fence. Reed screens are thinner than slats, so they may be the best choice if you want something light-weight yet easy to handle. You can install reed screens on top of panels or suspended above them by using L-shaped brackets. This gives you more privacy while still letting fresh air in.

They are about as wide as a drinking straw, making them easy to roll up and transport. If you’re looking for a light-weight fence covering, reed screens are a great choice. On the downside, they are not as sturdy in strong winds because of their thin diameter that can bend under pressure.

They’re very easy to install. You only need to secure them to the chain-link fence using metal wires. They act as a privacy screen, especially if they’re new but will deteriorate and drop as they age.

Wooden Fence Panels

A more permanent solution is to install wooden fence panels. They come in all shapes and colors, but they are commonly used to divide property or act as fencing. You’ll need someone else’s help to hold the panel while you attach it to the chain-link fence.

Wooden Fence Panels
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It can also be installed with brackets like reed screens, using bolt cutters to cut the fencing wire. They’re the most attractive option when it comes to upgrading your chain-link fence. Using u brackets, screw the wooden fence panels to the main fence line. The brackets are available at any home improvement store.

Since these panels have already been pre-constructed in the factory, there’s no need to individually nail up boards. Wood fence panels are very durable, and if you use cedar, they’ll last nearly as long as the fence they are attached to. You can preserve wood panels by preventing ground contact.

However, you’ll need to obtain a fence permit to attach these panels in front of your chain link fencing. You also need to be handy and inventive to get the best option because there are no hardware kits and systems to help you make conversions.

Mesh Wind Screen

A Mesh wind screen is also called bird netting, which is very effective against pests and has no gaps between the metal mesh that might allow small children to put their heads through. Mesh fencing is already installed into prefabricated panels that you can buy at your local hardware store..

The Mesh privacy screen is water and wind permeable. It also has a double-thick trim around the perimeter, plus brass grommets on the trim to enable you to attach it to the chain-link fence with zip ties. The brass grommets and zip ties make them easier to install and remove than other options.

Mesh screening is highly durable. It’s a non-organic UV rated with high-density polyethylene, enabling it to last for many years. It’s also the lowest cost when compared with other privacy screens.

On the downside, they are more about utility than beauty. They’re often used in industrial areas, schools, tennis courts, and swimming pools, making them unsuitable for home options.

Make Hanging Slats

Choose one cedar plank on top of your privacy panels and lay it horizontally on the ground. After that, lay two smaller cedar boards vertically over the plank. These smaller boards will help support the round lattice panels.

Ensure the side boards are level to prevent the slats from hanging straight on your chain link fence. Space the rest of the cedar boards evenly and nail them in place. The remaining cedar planks will form the rest of the panel. Measure the space between the top and the bottom of the slat the place the remaining cedar planks in between them.

Plant Bushes and Trees in Chain Link Fence

Covering a chain link fence with wood planks is not the only option you have. If privacy and security are what you’re after, then plant bushes and trees in front of your chain link fence. This will help conceal the area and create a more secure feel.

Make sure you pick the tree that is suitable for your growing location. Choose a plant-based on the temperature in your region, plus consider if you need a plant that will survive well in sunlight, dry soil, and keep its color year-round. If you’re going with bushes, trees, or shrubs, they’ll require weekly maintenance and can take a few years to grow to full size. Also, trim the plant evenly along the top and sides and keep the top wider than the base so light filters down to the lower branches.

FAQs on How to Cover a Chain-Link Fence and Give Yourself Privacy

Can you put a privacy screen on your fence?

Yes, you can put a privacy screen on your chain-link fence depending on where you live. The local homeowners association always restricts installing screens into your fence.

How deep do chain link fence posts need to be?

Chain link fence posts must be deep enough in the ground to support your fencing and any additional security features you add on.

Can I use vines for privacy?

Vines are an excellent choice of plant material because they can grow quickly, provide shade, give privacy and save money.

Does a chain link fence increase the resale value of a property?

Yes, having a chain-link fence can increase the resale value up to 4% because it’s practical and stylish at the same time. But not every fence is the same. If you’re looking to increase your resale value, you can opt for the wood-paneled fence.

Final Thought on How to Cover a Chain-Link Fence and Give Yourself Privacy

As you see, there are so many ways you can add privacy into your chain link fence and stop prying eyes and outsiders from peeping through the fence. There are so many different plants you can plant to give yourself privacy. You can screw these in your existing fence and get the impression that your chain link fence has disappeared.

Moreover, planting grass around your fence is a great idea since it will help you achieve that perfect green lawn. It doesn’t matter where you live or for what reason you have installed the chain link fence; there are always ways to improve the look and feel of the fence, make it more private, and do something with all that open space.


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Vinyl Plank Flooring Review: Pros and Cons

Vinyl Plank Flooring Review: Pros and Cons

Finding the right flooring for your home can be a difficult and time-consuming task. You want something durable, stylish, and affordable. Vinyl plank flooring may be your solution to all of these problems. It’s waterproof, so spills are no issue, it comes in many styles and colors to match any home decor, and it’s very affordable. 

The best thing about vinyl planks is that they’re easy on your wallet while still giving you all of the design flexibility and customization options offered by other types of flooring. And unlike wood or stone, these floors will never warp or crack under pressure. They’re waterproof, durable, and available in many different colors, textures, finishes, and styles. 

Keep on reading to learn more about vinyl plank flooring!

What is Vinyl Plank Flooring?

Vinyl Plank Flooring is an alternative to hardwood floors made from PVC plastic. They look like wood planks but without the maintenance that real wood requires. Since World War II, the material has been around when soldiers used sheets of it as makeshift armor against shrapnel. 

Today, this versatile product can be found in furniture, cars and boats, and even clothing, making it one of the most popular materials. This type of floor covering looks great and offers some other benefits, including being easy to install. Learn how to install vinyl plank flooring here and see how easy the process can be.

Plank vinyl floor, also known as a luxury vinyl plank or luxury vinyl floor, is vinyl flooring in long, narrow strips and not the traditional square tile shapes. 

Sheet vinyl is a flexible vinyl with a printed top layer covered by a clear wear layer, while vinyl plank flooring is a multi-ply product with four features. Therefore, luxury vinyl is five times thicker than traditional sheet vinyl. 

On the other hand, plank vinyl floors have deeper embossing and better graphics, bringing it to a closer simulation of wood, unlike the previous sheet vinyl flooring and plastic laminate flooring.

What is the Difference Between Luxury Vinyl Plank and Luxury Vinyl Tile?

A luxury vinyl tile (LVT) is considered luxury vinyl plank flooring, but it’s not the other way around. LVT is also more expensive than vinyl planks. Vinyl tiles are thinner than flooring planks, so even though both products are similar in technical terms. The thickness of the mat will be an obstacle to the imaginary wood grain effect. Their main difference is their appearance. Vinyl plank looks like a wood plank, while luxury vinyl tile looks like a tile.

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What is the Difference between Vinyl Plank and Vinyl Sheet

Vinyl plank and vinyl sheet are almost the same. They share the same disadvantages. Vinyl sheet is absolutely perfect for utilitarian roles such as basement flooring and bathroom flooring. But vinyl sheets are totally different from vinyl planks.

dvantages of Vinyl Plank Flooring

Vinyl Plank Floor is Water Resistant

If you are looking for water-resistant wood flooring, then vinyl is the best option. It’s not as water resistant as laminate flooring, but it doesn’t crack and warp like hardwood floors do when exposed to too much moisture. Vinyl plank is always water-resistant because it’s made of plastic.

Vinyl Plank Floor is Water Resistant
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Most vinyl plank floors can be easily installed, making them waterproof as well. This makes it perfect for a mudroom and any other room that is frequented by dirt and wet.

Simple and Easy to Maintain

Vinyl plank flooring features a tough surface that is simple to clean. A single wash with the right product will remove most dirt and grime from your floor’s surface, making it look new again. They don’t require special maintenance like wood floors.

You can clean vinyl floors regularly, but you don’t need to stick to the cleaning schedule or use any expensive specialty product. Also, these floors should never be steam-cleaned, varnished, or waxed. The pressure of a steam cleaner can drive moisture down through the seams to the wooden subfloor.

Vinyl Plank is Great Scratch Resistant

Apart from being water-resistant, vinyl plank is also great scratch resistant. Thanks to its ultra-durable wear layer, it’s super hard to scratch, unlike hardwood, which will show dents and dings after years of use.

Easy to Repair

Repairing vinyl tiles is much easier than traditional wood flooring. All you need is to remove the damaged plank and install a new one without sanding and refinishing the entire floor. As you can see, you don’t need to break the bank to clean and maintain this type of flooring.

Installing a new vinyl plank for your flooring project is also easy as long as you follow the installation instructions on the purchase.

Highly Durable Flooring Option

Both luxury vinyl planks and tile flooring are stains, scratch, and dent resistant, making it great for high traffic areas, kids, and pets friendly. It’s extremely versatile and great for the bathroom and kitchen because it doesn’t chip or scratch easily. 

However, you should pay attention to your flooring because low-quality vinyl flooring may scratch and blend easily. The floor shouldn’t be nailed down to reduce the appearance of black water stains around the nail’s head and also prevent interference with vinyl flooring’s waterproof and water-resistant ability.

 You may need to use wood plastic composite [WPC] and stone polymer core [SPC] in subfloors. This is because some WCC and SPC flooring are thick enough to let vinyl flooring float on them, but not all WPC and SPC can do so.SPC vinyl flooring is thinner and has more density, especially the stone-based core.

Vinyl Flooring is Long Lasting

If you’re looking for long-lasting flooring material, then vinyl flooring is a perfect choice. Vinyl flooring has a lifespan of more than 25 years, so it’s unlikely you’ll ever need to replace any part of your flooring unless you damage it on purpose.

 The lifespan of this type of floor material also depends on several variations. These variations include installation process, quality of the flooring, wear layer thickness, and maintenance. And if any planks get damaged, you can easily remove and replace them.

Luxury Vinyl Plank Can Go Where Hardwood Can’t

The perfect feature of luxury vinyl planks is that you can install them in places where solid wood flooring isn’t a good choice, such as below a radiator or a heating register. Because the rigid core keeps these planks from bending, you won’t have to worry about them wrinkling and buckling underneath the bulbous radiators.

It’s not affected by heat and humidity, making it a great alternative for wood floor bathrooms. Its water-resistant and waterproof nature can make it withstand even wet climates. Plus, vinyl plank is impervious to termites, so that you can install it outdoors as well. Vinyl flooring offers a good alternative in areas where wood installation will be tricky.

Vinyl Plank Flooring Can Add Resale Value to Your Home

Another benefit of vinyl plank flooring is that it adds resale value to your home. It’s easy to clean and maintain, so once you install them in a new home, they will stay looking fresh for years. Its durability will make the homebuyer know they’re getting a beautiful floor that will last for a long time.

Vinyl Plank Flooring Can Be Customized With Various Designs and Styles

You can get luxury vinyl floors with the same styles as the most expensive hardwood flooring. Get vinyl plank flooring in different colors, textures, and prints to create beautiful patterns on your floors. 

This way, you can get vinyl floors that look just like luxury vinyl tile or any other kind of wood floor without paying five times more for real wood! Vinyl plank flooring is regarded as superior flooring to sheet vinyl and laminate flooring but less prestigious than solid hardwood and porcelain tile.

ffordable and Comfortable Flooring

Vinyl plank flooring is a more economical choice than genuine wood flooring but more comfortable and luxurious than laminates. With a vinyl plank floor, you get the same beauty as with the most high-end wood floors and extra comfort from walking on it. The base of the rigid core is attached with foam or cork underlayment to add comfort and provide sound absorption.

Vinyl plank flooring is usually made from recycled rubber tires mixed with plastic, and the rubber makes the floor more comfortable and reduces noise. Vinyl plank is also moisture resistant, making it a good choice for kitchens and other high traffic areas because of the slip resistance feature, which you will find important if you have children or pets.

Disadvantages of Vinyl Plank Flooring

Just like other floorings, both luxury vinyl and rigid core vinyl flooring have their disadvantages. Here are those cones:

Disadvantages of Vinyl Plank Flooring
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Vinyl Floor is Not a Natural Wood Floor

The disadvantages of vinyl plank flooring are all based on its lack of resemblance to real wood. Vinyl plank is just that,plastic. If you want a real hardwood floor look and feel, then vinyl is not the right choice for you. No matter how better the floor photograph mimics the natural wood, it will still feel hollow and hard when you walk on it. It won’t make the house feel as luxurious as natural wood.

It’s Prone to Fading and Discoloration

The second disadvantage of vinyl plank flooring is the inherent threat of fading. All hardwood flooring contains some amount of sunwood in their construction, including luxury vinyl and rigid core vinyl planks. Sunwood is a natural component found in real lumber that allows it to expand and contract with changes in humidity levels.

However, just because it contains wood does not mean your vinyl plank flooring is safe from the sun’s harmful rays. If you leave your home without blinds or drapes, and it doesn’t matter if you live, the sun will fade your floor within months. These products are prone to fading when exposed to direct sunlight.

Hard to Remove

While installing vinyl plank flooring is easy, removing the glued-down vinyl is quite another story. Think again if you consider vinyl plank flooring because it is easier to maintain than real hardwood.

Susceptible to Dents and Damages

The wood composite core is soft and susceptible to dents. It can handle some misuse for some time, but pulling and pushing furniture, dropping sharp items, and walking with high pointed heels will scratch, dent, stain, and gouge the flooring.

Give it some time after installation before bringing in your furniture. Also, select a padded back version of SPC flooring to prevent unwanted noise and vibrations when people walk into the room.

Vinyl Plank Floor Cannot Be Refinished

The vinyl plank floor is very light and thin to refinish and repair. The top prefinished wear and tear-resistant layer make it hard to repair. If you misplace the plank, it cannot be refinished with a matching shade or texture.

Seams on some vinyl plank floors are too noticeable and may require tile-look lines rather than the usual straight line installation pattern. It is preferred that you plan your layout before installing to avoid visible seams in your home.

Vinyl Plank Floor Resale Value is not as High as Hardwood

This flooring material has limited resale value, unlike hardwood. The value of the house is limited and not too much unless you change the material or upgrade.

It’s a Non-Biodegradable Material

The manufacturing of vinyl flooring requires the use of toxic chemicals, and after installation, it emits high volatile organic compounds which are not eco-friendly. These off-gassed VOCs can affect the health of indoors, especially if there are no windows or proper ventilation.

The New Engineered Vinyl Plank Flooring with Adhesive Strip

This is the latest version of vinyl flooring. It’s quite different from the traditional one with its smart courses. The designs are purposely created to prevent visible seams, no gapping or expansion gaps, and resistant to most chemicals, including pet urine, water damage, mold, and mildew.

 You can install this type of vinyl plank flooring much easier than the old version; peel and stick. It can be installed in just an hour or so in a moisture-free work environment. However, the downside is that this type of vinyl plank flooring is more expensive than the old version.

You can also call it a more water-resistant engineered wood floor because moisture changes won’t affect the vinyl core like a layered engineered core.

FAQS on Vinyl Plank Flooring Review

Is vinyl plank flooring toxic?

Vinyl flooring emits a gas that is considered toxic, especially to people with underlying respiratory conditions.

How long does vinyl plank flooring last?

It can last from 5 to 25 years, depending on the quality and your level of maintenance.

Final Thought on Vinyl Plank Flooring

Vinyl flooring has many benefits. It’s not as expensive as hardwood, and it’s easy to install and maintain. The biggest selling point of vinyl planks is that they’re durable, waterproof, and scratch-proof. So, if you don’t want to worry about refinishing for years, then vinyl planks are a great choice.


The post Vinyl Plank Flooring Review: Pros and Cons appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.

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